Old School New Body

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Building Muscle: Eating and Training Go Hand In Hand

Working out burns a lot of calories, and eating more nutritious food is the key to muscle building. Training and diet go hand-in-hand for building massive muscles. The proper foods are important for optimal recovery after each workout, especially if your routines are intense. Often, people do not take in enough calories to allow their body to build muscle. You may have to double, or even triple the number of calories you eat each day if you are serious about developing a more muscular physique. Continue reading for diet ideas that can super-charge your muscle-building workouts.
Do not skip breakfast, ever. Breakfast provides important calories for your body first thing, after you have gone an entire night with no nutrition. Your body actually burns calories while you sleep, so there is a chance you could even lose a slight amount of weight overnight. Breakfast should be a habit, with meals planned out based on healthy protein, fat and carbohydrate proportions that provide you with a good amount of calories. Eating after training is also important. Taking in proteins and carbohydrates helps your body to maximize muscle recovery after workouts; additionally, low energy after workouts is remedied through a nutritious post-workout meal.
Even on days when you do not work out, spread your total calorie allotment throughout the day. Eat every 3 hours or so, up to six meals a day. This stabilizes your blood sugar and helps increase your metabolic rate so that you burn fat while still building muscle. If you would rather not eat a full meal after your workout, at least have a small snack. You can also get more energy before training by having a carbohydrate snack such as a banana. Small protein snacks, like yogurt or light cheese are better taken after workouts.
Monitoring your calorie intake daily can help you stick to an eating plan, as well as see how different calorie levels affect your muscle-building success. You must figure out the amount of calories that your body needs to sustain its current weight, how many to add to prevent you from losing weight when you work out harder, and how to scale back so that you do not gain fat if you need to take some time off from weight lifting or other workouts.
Keep in mind that training alone can not make you muscular. Muscles need protein and other nutrients in order to become more bulky and strong. Because your body may require large quantities of calories to support your workouts, choose calorie-dense foods for your diet so that you can get the most impact in each bite that you take. Try pasta, oatmeal, olive oil, nuts and other healthy, nutritionally-dense foods to help build up your calorie count.
Add amino acids and other key supplements to your diet plan. Some people do not have the ability to absorb all of the nutrients necessary from their food. Additionally, as foods become more mass-produced and genetically modified, their nutritive value decreases. Protein contains amino acids, which are key building blocks for muscle. You can take specific amino acids, or take an amino acid blend to enhance your workouts and speed up recovery time. Some people also like to take carbohydrate-based gels or drinks during their workouts to help sustain energy. The supplement industry is big business; make sure that you research ingredients before you buy and choose safe supplements that support your whole body system.
Building muscle is a good way to look great, burn off stress, stay healthy and provide you with a constant stream of new goals to achieve in your workouts. With the above tips and a little diligence, you could be shopping for a new wardrobe to fit around those large muscles in no time at all!
Speicialized in Microbiology, Nutrition. Achieved many projects in daily diet plan, Weight loss programs, Nutrition, Article Writing etc....
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7058559

Building Muscles Once And For All

There are a lot of people who wish that they could build big muscles. Building muscles is a great thing to do so there is no reason why you should not want to build muscles as well. If you are truly interested in building muscles then you are going to want to take note from this following article. All of the following ideas can help you get the muscles you have wanted once and for all.
A gym membership is a must when you want to build muscles. You are either going to want to get a gym membership, or have some workout equipment at home. You can get a lot of muscles by doing exercises such as squats, bench-press, or incline bench-press. When you go to the gym consult with a personal trainer and just ask them what machines you should use to build the muscles you want to work on. They can be a lot of help and may even give you a few pointers to consider during your workouts.
Invest in meals that are rich in protein. You are going to want to get a protein shake of some sort, and eat foods such as chicken and fish, which are rich in protein. When you workout you rip out all of the muscles in your body, this is the tear and burning feeling that you feel while you workout. When you build muscle, your body add proteins to the lost muscle as it rebuilds. This is why you are going to want to eat a diet that is rich in proteins, because it helps you build muscles bigger, and better. A good thing to note is that you are going to want to eat around 30 minutes after you workout, that way your body builds back as much of the muscle it lost as it can.
A lot of people are going to tell you to stay away from a lot of foods, and they are probably right. In addition to filling your body with protein rich foods, add in vegetables and fruits as well. There are a lot of fruits that are rich in carbohydrates that are going to keep you fueled with energy throughout your workouts. There are also a lot of vegetables that are rich in vitamins that can help your body function in general.
Consider investing some money into vitamin supplements. Since you want your body to be as healthy as it can be you want to make sure that you fill your body with the proper amount of vitamins. If you feel like you are not getting enough nutrients with your current diet, then you are going to want to make sure that you are taking vitamin supplements to get this.
Start making changes to how you go about building muscles today. You want to make sure that you do what it takes to get the muscles you have always wanted. By applying the information you learned today, you can get the muscles you have always wanted once and for all.
Speicialized in Microbiology, Nutrition. Achieved many projects in daily diet plan, Weight loss programs, Nutrition, Article Writing etc.... 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7058593

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Basic Steps to Building Muscle

Increasing your muscle mass can be frustrating when you do not see the results you want. The main reasons for inadequate muscle building are easy to overcome if you know what to look for. Improve your workouts, diet, and get an adequate amount of rest to get the optimum results you want.
To increase the mass of small muscle groups, you need to use proper body position, form, and technique each time you work out. A lot of people make the mistake of using momentum to lift weights. While this may make your workout easier, it also prevents your muscles from doing the work. Try working out in front of a mirror at first to make sure your body position is correct. Use your muscles to control your movements.
Although supplements are sometimes necessary when trying to build muscle mass, you should try to get your calories and protein from dietary sources. Protein is necessary to help your muscles repair and rebuild the tissues and cells that are torn, exhausted and injured during workouts. Besides protein, your diet should include an adequate supply of nutritious vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates, whole grains and a lot of water. Becoming dehydrated while working out can be dangerous.
Expect small setbacks during your road to increased muscle mass. For one thing, your muscles will begin to expect you regular workouts so you must change the types of exercise you do. Once your are able to do more than 12 repetitions, you should add more weight to bring your repetitions back down to six.
Target the specific muscle groups you want to build. Although cardiovascular workouts and weight training exercises are great, you need to know exactly the muscle group whose mass you want to increase. Keep your workouts short and focus on one specific muscle group each time you train.
Although you are trying to push your muscles to their limits, you do not want to push them past their limits. Torn muscles and strained ligaments are painful and may take an excessive amount of time to heal. Adding weight slowly will keep you from doing serious damage. Muscle soreness is simply a normal buildup of lactic acid, a byproduct of muscle metabolism. Although soreness can be difficult to handle some days, look at it as proof that your workouts are making your muscles work hard.
Your muscles develop during the periods of rest between workouts. Your muscles need adequate rest in order to achieve maximum development. For this reason, you should only target specific muscles groups once or twice each week and the workouts should be well-spaced. Get an adequate amount of sleep each night because your cells regenerate and repair themselves while you are asleep.
Building muscle mass takes time so do not expect quick results. Consider tracking your progress in a workout journal. Use a tape measure to keep track of the diameter of specific areas of the body, such as the upper arms. You should also keep track of your weight and body mass index. Building muscle mass will take some time but the end result will be worth it. Combine proper weight lifting techniques with a nutritious, high-protein diet for optimum results.
Specialized in Microbiology, Nutrition. Achieved many projects in daily diet plan, Weight loss programs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7045460

Build Large Muscles in Your Upper Body

A lot of men want that lean, muscular look that comes from a huge upper body, six pack abdominal muscles and a small waist. In order to build large upper body muscles, you must concentrate on specific muscle groups, use proper form and eat plenty of calories. Apply these basic tricks for massive upper body muscles.
Your biceps and triceps are small muscle groups that do not require excessive training. You must give these muscle groups time to rest because muscles develop while you they are at rest. Over-training will impede maximum muscle growth. Focus on building your upper body strength once or twice a week. You must also get an adequate amount of sleep each night.
The intensity of your workouts should be extremely high. Make sure to use the heaviest weights possible for two to three sets of six to ten repetitions per exercise. Do a total of five to ten sets for all exercises that target a specific muscle group. Develop several types of exercises for each muscle group to keep your workouts interesting and to prevent your muscles from becoming bored.
You really only need to train your muscles for about 15 to 20 minutes per session. Keeping each session short and focusing your training session on one muscle group at a time will help prevent you from exhausting all your energy. You should be able to do six to ten repetitions of the weight you are using. If you can do 15 or 20 repetitions, you are not using enough weight. Lifting the heaviest weights possible in limited repetitions for five to ten sets will lead to maximum muscles growth. Keep all time in the gym to a minimum and target one section of the body each time you train. Separate arm training by four or seven days depending on whether you work these muscles once or twice per week.
When you work with small muscle groups, proper form, good body position and the right technique become extremely important. Carefully control your movements so that your muscles do the work. It can be easy to swing the weights around and allow momentum to do most of the work but this will not help you build muscle. Bad form is probably the biggest mistake that keeps people from getting the desired results.
Increase your protein intake as well as total calories. The amino acids in protein are the basic building blocks of all body cell. A diet high in protein will help your muscle tissue repair and rebuild for maximum growth. Try to eat six healthy meals spaced evenly throughout the day. You should be eating every two or three hours. You can use meal replacement supplements but try to get most of your nutrition from the food you consume. Make sure to drink plenty of water too.
A little discipline and hard work will lead to the upper body strength you have always wanted. Avoid overworking your small muscle groups and be mindful of your form while lifting. Improve your nutrition while adding protein and calories for optimum results.
Speicialized in Microbiology, Nutrition. Achieved many projects in daily diet plan, Weight loss programs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7045466

Monday, 24 March 2014

Modifying Your Habits When Eating Out for Healthy Nutrition

If you love eating out, you can still maintain your commitment to healthy nutrition. Use the tips below to maintain your lifestyle that includes frequent eating out while incorporating a healthier diet into your lifestyle.
When you eat out, plan on ordering a meal that leaves room for you to pay a bit extra to substitute vegetables or a salad for another less-healthy side dish such as fries. Even fast-food restaurants frequently have opportunities for you to modify your order. If you cannot make a substitution, order a different meal and avoid that restaurant in the future.
Examine the menu for healthy alternatives and consider limiting your meal choice to one of these healthy alternatives. If weight management is part of your nutrition concerns, be careful about healthy meals that still contain more calories than you should be consuming for a particular meal.
If you're dining out with someone you know well, consider paying a shared meal price instead of ordering two separate meals. The shared meal price is an added charge for an extra plate. If you are uncomfortable with suggesting sharing a meal, choose a menu item that meets your nutrition goals.
Ask your server about the ingredients in sauces and dressings, or request that sauces and dressings be served on the side. From fats to salt to sugar, the sauce used on otherwise healthy food, such as a grilled chicken breast, can contribute unhealthy ingredients to your diet.
Look around your area and learn about the menus of various eating establishments to create a ready list of places that serve foods that meet your nutritional goals. This gives you some options to recommend if someone suggests you go out to eat as a social activity.
If you eat out because you're too tired to prepare food at night, force yourself to choose menu items that are healthy, such as salads, to go along with your less healthy food choice, such as pizza. Instead of filling up on too much of a high calorie food, in that way you'll also include other helpful ingredients for a healthy diet.
Consider flipping your menu choices from a dinner with a salad to a salad with a side dish or appetizer that satisfies your taste buds' desire for a different flavor. In this way, you'll be eating salad for lunch or dinner rather than some other food item with salad for dinner.
When you are eating out, don't buy meals with dessert included in their price to avoid too many calories and unhealthy ingredients in your diet. Similarly, if you drink water, avoid purchasing meals that come with an unhealthy drink, and choose water instead. You can also ask your server not to bring bread to the table while you're waiting for your meal.
Eating out does not mean you have to sacrifice good nutrition. Use the suggestions above to incorporate your love of eating out into a meaningful part of maintaining good nutrition as part of your healthy lifestyle.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7153150

Five Proven Techniques To Help With Getting Some Exercise

Lots of people would wish to get some exercise. Consequently, it is advisable to examine several different alternative routes to get some exercise, and choose the most promising methods to investigate and then to try. When you choose to begin, this is especially necessary.
The following are 5 approaches to get some exercise that ought to be considered:
1. Your Netflix account. The way that this works is search for things like, dance, yoga, Pilates, and even plain old exercise. Favorable points relating to this are you are already paying for it and there are so many different devices you can get Netflix on that you will have no excuses for your behavior. The primary drawbacks are a lot of the content seems to be from the eighties and have only 3 star reviews so you may be discourage by the way it is treated like blockbuster movies that didn't make the cut.
2. Your Xbox, oh yes that expensive device you or your kids play video games on now has exercise routines. So how exactly does this work? Well, you will need an attachment call the Kinect. The Kinect is an awesome device that is like a camera with infrared that will your body and track your movements.
Positive points are that you will be working out in a very precise way. The camera can track if you are slacking off. The negative part is The camera can track if you are slacking off! Ha!
Seriously, there are really fun games that allow you to get some movement in so try it..
3. The Wii Fit Series including the Wii Balance board. Just how this works is this is another video gaming system but it is cheaper than the Xbox and may be more your speed. You won't have a camera staring you down for instance. Points in favor are it is more kid friendly and is stacked with super cute graphic that anyone could enjoy. Points opposing are it is very low impact.
You may be more amused than you are sweating.
4. Work out during commercial breaks of television shows. In this particular method you can be a couch potato all you want until you show goes to break then you have to get up and walk around, do jumping jacks, toe touches, etc... The positive part of this is you are getting some movement in and you will have fun. The bad part is you may look silly to any unsuspecting guest near by and they may even try to talk you out of it but be strong.
5. Dance like nobody's looking!. Illustrations of this are all around us! Ever wonder how singers dances for songs come about? Well usually some professional dance will just put the music on and see what their body wants to do!.
Advantages are nobody is looking! You may not be a pro dancer but again you just want some exercise so get up make a dance for your favorite sing. Negatives include you will feel so silly.
Before starting to get some exercise, it would be far better investigate and consider all these approaches well.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7924877

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Finding A Solution When You're Stuck With Your Exercise Goals

It's great to set fitness goals, but sometimes it's very hard to attain them. It seems that you may reach a certain level and not be able to progress further no matter how hard you try. This is called a fitness plateau. When you hit a fitness plateau, there are certain things you can do to work past it. Read on to find out how!
The problem may be that you've been working too hard at one thing. If you have not been varying your workout routine, you may be stuck in a rut. This is not only boring, it's not very effective when it comes to exercise. When you do the same thing over and over again, your muscles become very efficient and don't get as much benefit from the exercise as they could. Try adding a few new and different exercises to your routine, and you may just surpass your plateau.
If you have no motivation, it may also be time to refocus your goals. One very good example of this is when you set your goal for weight loss. This can be a very discouraging goal because weight loss can be quite slow. This is especially true if you are exercising for weight loss because muscle weighs more than fat, so you may not actually lose weight! In this case refocus your goals. Decide to exercise for fun and for your health. You may or may not lose weight, but you will be able to look in the mirror and see that you are happier, stronger and healthier.
Set yourself small challenges each month just to see how you're coming along. Participate in a challenging activity, such as a game or contest on a monthly or weekly basis, and you will surely see that your performance gets better and better every time as you become healthier and healthier. This is because your entire body is benefiting from your consistent efforts and exercise. This clear evidence that you are improving will give you a small success that will motivate you to move forward.
Be careful to always keep your regularly scheduled exercise appointment. Don't allow yourself to do put it off with busy work or other things that need to be done. While you may think that doing active chores is a good substitute for exercise, remember that exercising is also an enjoyable diversion for you. If you want to vary your fitness routine, do it by enjoying a new exercise video, using a different machine at the gym, joining a new exercise class or taking up an active sport or activity such as dancing.
If you're motivated by input and encouragement from other people, find a fitness buddy or hire a personal trainer to cheer you on in your efforts. You may also wish to join a fitness group to have more people to exercise with.
By learning to refocus your goals, giving yourself plenty of variety in your exercise program and taking advantage of the social element of your exercise program, you can get past or even entirely avoid fitness plateaus.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7419113

Fitness Tips To Help You Get in Shape

Being in good physical condition is one of the best things that you can do to protect your health and well-being. Millions of people suffer from debilitating illnesses, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, as a result of obesity and poor physical fitness. In addition to protecting your health, getting yourself into good shape will dramatically improve your body's appearance and help you increase your confidence and self-esteem. Continue reading this article to learn several fitness tips that, if applied, will get you into terrific shape.
First things first, if you want to be healthy and fit, you must eat a proper diet. Eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet gives your body all of the nutrients that it needs to function at an optimal level and will help you to lose any excess weight that you may be carrying. Eat tons of vegetables and concentrate on eating slow-digesting complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and oats, along with sources of lean protein, such as tuna fish, chicken breast and egg whites. Keep yourself properly hydrated by drinking plenty of pure water, at least eight glasses every day. By replacing other beverages in your diet, like soda pop, fruit juice and alcohol, with water, you can lose fat and increase your health and fitness. It is a simple thing to do that will pay major dividends.
Once you get your diet in check, it is crucial that you begin an exercise program. Regular aerobic exercise will improve your heart's health, help you lose weight and increase your emotional well-being. The key to exercise is finding an activity that you enjoy. If the idea of going to the gym makes you sick to your stomach, try taking a dance class, going swimming or playing a fun team sport. Remember, little things count. Something as simple as a regular evening walk can go a long way towards improving your fitness.
Do not neglect strength training. Strength training will help to shape your body and keep you strong. Weight lifting, if performed properly, is great for people of all ages. Don't be intimidated and don't worry that you will all of a sudden look like a giant bodybuilder; that will not happen. Strength training is especially important for older individuals, as weakness and ill-health brought on by old age can lead to a loss of functional ability and independence.
Get yourself a workout partner. Getting in shape is much more fun if you have someone to share the experience with. An exercise partner, in addition to making the experience more fun, can provide you with motivation and inspiration when you are down, and you can do the same for him or her. If you have kids, get them on the fitness bandwagon and take them for a walk to the park or just run around the house with them.
Getting in shape is not easy, but it isn't as difficult as you may think. Apply the advice contained in this article to your life and enjoy the benefits of being physically fit. Good luck!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7098322

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Get In The Groove With These Simple Fitness Tips

Are you having trouble getting in shape because you just can't seem to stick with an exercise routine? Do you keep resolving to get fit and healthy, but always give up after a few weeks or months? Well, now is the time to kick those bad habits and develop new ones that will let you get the body of your dreams. The great advice in this article will teach you how to look and feel your best with amazing ease.
Too many people fail to reach their physical potential because of negative self-esteem. They feel as if they are just not worth it, or they give up too soon because they assume that they can never achieve their goals. If these feelings are holding you back, you need to learn to get rid of these negative emotions. Remind yourself regularly that you can achieve your goals and that you are a good person who deserves to be happy and healthy. Turn this into a mantra to motivate yourself when you are working out.
Finding ways to stay motivated is key when you are trying to get in shape. Everyone is different, and different people are motivated in different ways. If you are able to stay internally motivated, that can make it easier, but some people need more external structure to keep going. In this case, finding a workout buddy or a trainer who can help keep you on task can really help. Enrolling in an exercise class or joining a sports club or team can also give you the structure you need to stay focused on reaching your goals.
You do not have to get out there and run a marathon on your first day of working out. The important thing is to get started, even if all you do is walk around the block or do two or three push-ups. Once you are started, it will be easier to keep going. There is nothing wrong with starting slow; the problem comes when you do not start at all. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily life, and soon it will become a habit that you can't live without.
Steadily increase the intensity and length of your workouts as you get in better shape. If you always do the same thing every day, you will soon plateau and stop progressing. Push yourself to work harder and do more so that you do not stall out and stop getting in better shape. Working out with a friend or buddy who you can compete against can be a great way to keep striving for higher and higher goals.
The fitter and healthier you become, the better your mood will be and the happier you will be in general. Exercise has been shown to elevate your mood and improve your overall disposition, so when you are feeling blue or down in the dumps, start working out. Go for a bike ride, take a walk, or head to the gym, and soon you will notice that you are feeling better about yourself.
The real key to getting in shape is to educate yourself about the best ways of doing so, and this article should have shown you some of those ways. Armed with this information, you can get rid of your bad habits that are holding you back. Before long, you will be in the best shape of your life!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7098330

Tips For A More Effective Workout

Everyone wants to be in better shape and enjoy great health and fitness, but too many people are not sure how to get started. Even if you are working out regularly, it may be that you are not doing so in the most effective way. If so, you may be frustrated by your lack of progress. To get the most from your workouts so that you can reach your fitness goals more quickly, the following advice can help.
One effective way to increase the effectiveness of your workouts is to keep a written record of your progress. This record can be as detailed as you want, but it is important to keep track of what you do. This way, you can figure out exactly how much progress you are making so that you know whether or not you need to make changes to your routine. These notes can also help keep you motivated by making it easy to see how far you have already come.
Without a well-defined goal, you may end up just treading water and never making much progress. Knowing where you are going is half the battle. So, before you start on your fitness journey, make sure that you clearly define the goal you want to reach. Do you want to run a marathon or just be able to walk up the stairs without getting short of breath? Write down your goals and refer to them regularly during your workouts.
Do not forget to warm up before you start working out. If you just jump right into a hard workout without taking the time to get your body warmed up and your muscles ready, you increase the risk of injuring yourself. You will also not get the best results from your workouts. By taking the time to get yourself ready for exercise, you will see improved results and reduce the risk of injury.
A good workout routine should combine several different types of exercise. You need to do aerobic exercises to boost your cardiovascular health and increase your endurance, but it is also important to incorporate strength training into your routine. Strong, healthy muscles have many general health benefits that you can enjoy in all aspects of your life, not just when you are exercising or playing sports. A balanced exercise routine will give you the best overall results.
There is more to being fit and healthy than just working out. You need to make sure that you are giving your body the highest-quality fuel, so that your diet does not end up sabotaging your exercising. If you are stuffing yourself full of junk food, you are only holding yourself back. Eating a healthy diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy protein will give you the energy you need to work out without damaging your health.
After reading this article, you should realize that an effective exercise routine does not have to be complicated or difficult. With just a few tweaks to your daily routine, you can get in shape and stay healthy without too much effort. With the advice from this article, you can easily be fit and healthy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7098390

Monday, 17 March 2014

A Short Guide To Depression Prescription Drugs

If you suffer with depression, prescription drugs are one common way to alleviate the symptoms of your condition. However, there is a lot you need to know before you agree to take them. Here are some tips and guidance about prescription medication so you can be sure they will help you.
1. Talk to your doctor about whether medication is right for you. Anyone who wants to get medication for depression must get a prescription from a doctor. This is an important first step, because your doctor will be able to prescribe a medicine that should work well for your particular case. Some drugs work by addressing serotonin levels, and some work by addressing dopamine levels. Other medications work slightly differently. By seeing a doctor, you are likely to be prescribed the best medication for you.
2. Find out the cost of the medication. When you have depression, it is important that you start taking medication as soon as possible; in many cases, the drugs will not take effect for about two weeks to one month. To take the drugs as soon as you can, you need to make sure you can afford your medicine. Find out what medications are covered through your health insurance plan, and then find out how much of the cost you will be responsible for. If you have trouble affording your medication, talk to your doctor.
3. Know the side effects of the drugs you will be taking. Even though depression medication is something you may need, be aware that they are drugs and will likely affect your body in some ways. Do as much research as you can to ensure that you know about your medication. Make sure you know the side effects of the drugs you are taking, and make sure you know of any adverse reactions as well. This knowledge will make you better able to cope with your medicine.
4. Realize that your medication use will not affect your ability to work or get a job. You do not have to disclose your medication use to anyone. The only exception to that rule is if your company requires drug testing. Only then do you ever have to let anyone at your job know that you are taking medication or what it is for.
5. Never stop taking depression medication unless specifically told to by a doctor. Once you start taking depression medicine, the drug is affects your brain. If you abruptly stop taking your medication, your body may react in a way that can be somewhat frightening. If you want to cut down, make sure you speak to your doctor so he can tell you how to do so safely.
Having depression can easier to manage if you are prescribed medication. Using prescription drugs for your depression can help you cope in a better way and help you to start feeling like you used to. Use the tips laid out here to think wisely about your prescription drugs, so that you can start to feel better as soon as possible.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7115118

A Few Tips to Make Dealing With Depression Easier

Think of being depressed as a battle you have to fight. Read this article to learn a few tips that should make dealing with your condition easier.
Find new activities you enjoy to help you relax and take a break from your stressful life. Find new hobbies, try new sports and express yourself artistically if this is something you are interested in. Look for things you really enjoy and that give you an opportunity to meet new people and spend some time away from the life that is not satisfying you. Actually, trying new hobbies could lead you to a new career or a new lifestyle.
Spend quality time with people you care about. You should let your significant other, and your family and friends know about your depression so they are not surprised by your unusual behavior and do their best to cheer you up. Do not expect your friends to spend their entire time cheering you up though; this can quickly become emotionally exhausting, especially if your friends are dealing with some issues on their own. Spending time with your friends should be about forgetting your issues.
Consider getting a pet. This is great if you live alone and need to be more active. Studies have shown that people who own a pet are less likely to get depressed. A pet will keep you company and you will have something to take care of besides yourself; this should give you something else to think about. Remember that a pet is a responsibility and you should make sure you will have enough time and money to take care of your new companion.
Taking antidepressants should make your daily life much easier. You should be able to control your negative emotions, feel less self-conscious and find things to enjoy. Talk to your family doctor or meet with a psychiatrist to get a prescription. There are side effects associated with most medication and you should monitor your reaction closely, especially in the first few weeks of your treatments. You should be fine as long as you do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Learn about positive thinking. Taking a few minutes to think back on your day and find a few positive things. You should also look for ways to manage your stress and perhaps make some changes to your life so you find it more fulfilling. Getting over your depression might be as simple as getting a new job, making new friends, or spending more time with your loved ones. In some cases, there might be a deeper issues behind your depression; starting therapy is probably the best option. Eventually, you will learn to deal with unresolved issues you have been dwelling with for years and get over them.
Try these tips to make a few changes to your lifestyle to combat your depression. Relaxing, having fun and discovering your potential should become a priority if you are not satisfied with your life. Get help from a professional to monitor your progress and perhaps do some soul-searching through therapy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7104393

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Eating Right for a Better Life

The old saying is very true, you are what you eat. Due to this fact, if you eat unhealthy foods, you will be unhealthy. The key to living a healthy and fulfilling life is to eat as healthy as you can on a regular basis. If you find this hard to do, or do not know what steps to take, you should continue reading the article below.
A great way to increase the healthiness of your food is to prepare it yourself. Anytime that you eat a prepackaged meal, or a meal at a restaurant, you do not know exactly what you are getting. Even if you read the label, it is unlikely that you will know what all of those big words are referring to, but when you make your own meal, you can be confident that those things will not be in your food. Prepackaged and restaurant foods almost always have a lot of sodium in them, which is bad for your overall health, and especially your heart. They are also usually higher in fat, as the lowest quality meat is often used. Instead of eating these quick meals try to make your own version of them. You will find that they can taste just as delicious without the added fat and calories.
Add more vegetables to your diet. It is easy to grab a snack out of the vending machine at work, but it is also easy to bring your own snacks. In addition to being healthier, you will find that you are saving money. Some great snacks to bring with you include carrots and fat free ranch, celery and peanut butter and broccoli. Just think about what your favorite vegetables are, purchase them and bring them with you when you will be away from home for an extended amount of time. You will notice a difference in your overall health very quickly, and you are also likely to notice that you have more energy and are able to think faster and more clearly.
Eat lean, white meats as often as you can. Red meats have been closely linked with heart disease, and should be avoided as much as possible. The meats that are not red are also lower in fat on average, and provide your body with a higher quality protein in comparison with its counterpart. Also be sure that you eat proper portions of meat. It is easy to eat more than the recommended four ounces in a sitting, but it is not best. Instead you should try to eat as much vegetables and fruits that you need to so that you no longer crave the meat. This is also a great way to feel full after a meal, if that is something that has caused you to overeat in the past.
You likely already knew that eating a healthy diet will increase your health a great deal, but now that you read this article, you know there are easy changes you can make to be healthier. Now all you have left to do is put the above information to use.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7153155

How to Enjoy Dieting

Although you may want to be fit and healthy, sometimes the idea of dieting seems depressing. Many people think of dieting as eating a bunch of foods they don't like and skipping all the ones they do like. However, nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to eat healthily, there are a whole wide range of options to choose from. Read on to learn how to enjoy eating more nutritiously.
First, think about all the reasons that you want to eat more healthily. Although you may enjoy cookies, sweets or potato chips while you're eating them, they don't benefit you in the long run. Make a list of the benefits of eating a more nutritious diet such as having more energy, living to see your children or grandchildren grow up and liking what you see when you look in the mirror. Make copies of your list and post them all over your house. It's especially important to put them on your refrigerator and over your bathroom scale so that you can remember why you're doing this.
Resolve to change your diet to include more nutritious foods. Don't assume this means you'll be eating nothing but salads. If you're not a salad eater, there are plenty of other ways to get the nutrition you need!
You need to eat a lot of leafy green vegetables, so experiment with different ones to see which ones you like. You might try kale one week, spinach the next and lettuce the third. You might also look online or in the library for recipes that involve these foods so you can try different ways of making them.
Similarly, don't give up before you begin because you can't eat red meat every night. Experiment with chicken and fish recipes. Not only might you discover you like these alternative sources of protein better than you thought you would, but you might find ways to prepare them that remind you of the red meat you love. For example, you can make chicken burgers or use the same seasonings on chicken or fish that you use on beef. You might also try turkey bacon or chicken hot dogs instead of eating pork.
Focus on eating and enjoying healthy foods instead of thinking constantly about the foods you can't have. You might want to look for low calorie substitutes for ice cream and cookies so that you can enjoy them when your sweet tooth starts acting up, however. You can also have red meat or alcohol in moderation.
Make sure you build some room for "cheating" into your diet, too. If you're at a party and everyone else is eating pizza and cake, you're going to feel resentful if you refuse these items. So let yourself eat them on special occasions. Just make sure you don't overeat when you indulge yourself.
Eating healthily doesn't have to be boring or annoying. Don't think of your diet as a burden; find ways to make it fun and exciting. If you enjoy what you're eating along with enjoying the health benefits of your diet plan, you're more likely to stick to your healthy diet.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7153161

Sunday, 9 March 2014

9 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker and are looking to quit, it is crucial that you are truly prepared to do so. Part of this preparation includes learning all you can about quitting. This article is going to provide you with tips that will assist you in quitting once and for all.
Before you even begin the journey of quitting, it is important that you have the faith and confidence to do so. You are not going to get very far if you tell yourself that it is impossible. Instead, think positive thoughts and tell yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to, including quitting smoking.
Create a detailed plan of how you are going to quit smoking. This includes what techniques you are going to use to quit, such as cold turkey, nicotine patches, or hypnotherapy. Also, do not forget to make out a plan of how you are going to stay away from cigarettes. Quitting is only half the journey; the other half is staying that way.
It may be beneficial for you to write out your reasons for quitting. If you can, write these reasons on a Post-It and stick them in places that you will see them often. This way, whenever you feel like giving up, you can look at this list and it will give you the motivation to continue.
Enlist the help of your loved ones when it comes to quitting smoking. Tell them that you want to quit and why. Then, they can provide you with all of the encouragement and support you will need. If you know someone who smokes, you can even ask them if they would like to join you on your path to quitting. Having someone quit with you may be what you need to keep on going when times are tough.
Speak with your doctor about quitting smoking. In addition to giving you resources, your doctor may be able to write you a prescription for medication to help you quit. Many people are against taking medication, but they help to curb your urges, which is what you may need to quit.
Exercise may be the key to you quitting smoking. As you probably already know, exercise is good for your health in general. But it is even more beneficial to those looking to quit smoking; your mind will be focused on your exercise routine instead of the urges you are having to smoke.
Make a date that you want to quit by. You are more likely to have motivation when you have this specific date set. And, if you have successfully quit by this date, reward yourself with something fun, like a shirt or book you have been eying. After all that you have been through, you deserve it.
As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, you must be really prepared for the journey. Now that you have been given this information, you should be ready to begin the path to a smoke-free and healthy life.
Article  Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7104259

Advice To Assist In Quitting Smoking

There are many negative effects of smoking, some of them you may already know about, while others you may not yet know. What you may not know is that quitting smoking has never been easier. In this article, you will be provided with helpful tips to assist you in your journey to a smoke-free life.
Speak with your physician about what he or she can do to assist you in quitting. Your doctor may think you could benefit from prescription medication. What many people do not know about smoking is that it is a mental addiction just as much as it is a physical one. These prescriptions help you quit by curbing your cravings for a cigarette.
If you want to quit smoking, it is crucial that you get rid of the stress in your life as much as you can. One of the main reasons that smokers have a hard time quitting is because they turn to cigarettes in time of distress; this is a natural reaction for them. By reducing the amount of stress you have, you will be less likely to turn to cigarettes.
You could greatly benefit from joining a smoker's support group. These groups typically gather once a week and speak about their journey to becoming smoke-free. When attending one of these group sessions, you may learn of new tricks and techniques for quitting and even sharing your idea with other members.
Keep yourself occupied as much as you can. When you are bored and having nothing better to do, that cigarette is going to be calling your name. Try to participate in sporting events or other activities in which smoking is not even permitted. This way, you will not even have the chance to smoke.
Keep the reasons that you want to quit in mind at all times. It may even be helpful to look at pictures of the lungs of those who have been smoking for 50 years. Whatever it takes to give you motivation and allows you to stay motivated is what you need to concentrate on.
Do not rule out the possibility of trying nicotine patches or gum. These were made for people to quit smoking, and although they may not work for everyone, you never know if they will work for you until you try them. Some states even offer programs for those looking to quit smoking in which you can get patches or gum for a reduced price or even free.
Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, pop a piece of gum into your mouth. Most people smoke because they like the feeling of having something in their mouth all the time. Rather than putting a cigarette in your mouth, replace this oral fixation with a piece of gum or candy.
As stated in the beginning of this article, smoking can cause many negative effects on your life. However, now that you have read this article, you know that quitting smoking is simpler than ever. Use these tips to live a healthier life today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7104337

Brilliant Ideas For Weight Loss

The process of weight loss is very simple; if you burn up more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. That is fairly simple, and anyone ought to be able to do that, if they have some discipline and can follow a plan. So, here are some good ideas that won't cost you an extra penny, unlike some of those high- priced diet plans out there on the market.
The first step is to cut down on the portions that you eat when you eat your meals. If two eggs are the order of the day for breakfast, eat one. If for lunch, two sandwiches are your normal fare, eat one. And dinner you can cut down the portions accordingly, and start to eat less, or no meat. Substitute fish and organic chicken instead.
Secondly, cut out all sugar and white flour. This means cakes, pies, donuts, tarts, and sticky buns. Sugar turns to alcohol before it goes through our liver, and we all know what flour and water makes. Sugar will put weight on us fast, and it is very addictive. We like sugary things for deserts and snacks in between meals.
Eat a dish of fresh peaches or pears for dessert after dinner and eat an apple for your in between meal snack. Cut the apple into little pieces with a paring knife and put it in a dish to eat, as it is easier to eat that way. It will hold you over until the next meal, and you will be getting all of those great nutrients and anti-oxidants. You know what they say about eating an apple a day.
Drink a lot of pure water. Water keeps us flushed out. Our bodies consist of about 70% water, and when we get depleted in that area, our cells don't function as well. Water is the medium of transportation for our bodies, as wastes, poisons, and chemicals are all flushed out of us with water. Pure water means distilled water. That is the only kind of water that our bodies can use, as the kidneys purify any fluids that we receive into distilled water. Give our kidneys a real break and give them distilled water in the first place.
Get into some serious walking. You don't really need to job, because that is real hard on your knees and ankles. Walking will do just fine. Work up to walking for 30 minutes a day, and if that is too far at first, start out with less and build up to it. Walking is one of the best exercises that we could ever do, and it is easy. You just have to take the time to do it.
Get a notebook and date each page as you go through it. Write down what you weigh each morning, and then keep track of what you eat, the portions, and what time you ate each meal that day. That will keep your mind occupied and it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.
Do this for 6 months, then reevaluate. You will be surprised at how well this will work.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7928170

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Are You Looking For Weight Loss?

For some of us, these days the words weight loss is a scary concept, as human beings who are faced with a vast amount of food and obesity knocking on our door on a daily basis. we tend to turn to things that can be potentially dangerous for us. Like all of these diet pills that are being advertised on television they tell you all the good things that they can offer for you but forget to mention all the harmful effects of these pills but some people are actually suckers into thinking they actually work for them.
Because they are so brain washed into thinking that being thin is in from watching all of these super skinny models on tv. they give us women the idea that if your not thin your not beautiful but they are wrong in their thought processes. all we have to do is change our way of thinking as long as you eat healthy and exercise at least 20 minutes a day then we can be happy with our body image and not feel ashamed with ourselves every time we pick up a piece of cake.
Building a healthy life style is a choice we all should make at one point or another in our life time it will keep us from visiting the doctor every month because we are having a problem with high blood pressure, or we are experiencing heart problems these can be avoided if we just take the time to make little changes to are meals why not change your whole milk to skim milk the flavor just changed slightly but not enough to know the difference and you still get your calcium and when it comes to your breakfast time why not try whole wheat toast instead of white bread.
Whole grains are better for you and gives you a healthy heart and will lower your blood pressure in the process and you can switch to cream cheese instead of butter less fattening it's basically about watching your calories and portion control if we start with these two basic things we will be on the way to a healthy life and we can take the time to show our children how to do the same thing. teaching them at an early age can be beneficial to them later on because it will teach them good eating habits that they can use as they grow into adulthood.
But if you feel you need more in your life to help you lose those few extra pounds you can always go to the gym and hire a personal trainer who will give you that motivation that you're looking for to push yourself to the point that you will lose more than expected. sometimes that's all it takes for us to realize we need to take responsibility for everything we do in our life. It's all about the choices we make in our own lives that will prove to us that we can accomplish anything
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7926571

Accomplish Body Weight Loss

Without knowledge of the human body, weight loss can be difficult to achieve. The problem with most people is that their diets are extremely poor. The Standard American Diet is nutritionally imbalanced.
In order to achieve weight loss, you must consume fewer calories than you intake. Therefore, you must count precisely. If you do not count, you will likely find yourself eating too many calories. The mistake people make is, they do not understand how to count calories.
It is not only important to count calories, but to count where the calories are coming from. A problem will occur if the majority of the calories being consumed are coming from proceeded foods. This is because your body needs ample nutrients and vitamins in order to function properly.
A poor diet will result in a lowered metabolism. Your body will notice your lack of nutrient intake. Therefore, your body will try to compensate and minimize the work load by shutting down. This is the primary contributor to unrealized weight loss.
In order to achieve weight loss, most of your calorie intake should come from protein, complex carbohydrates and fat. Protein sources can include; beef, steak, lamb, fish, chicken. Whereas, complex carbs can include; carrots, peppers, pumpkin, squash, sweet potato.
When your body has readily available simple carbohydrates or sugar, it will utilize this for energy. Whereas, if your body only has protein and fat to utilize, it will be forced to convert them into energy sources. This requires more work on your body's behalf, and thus, increases weight loss. Your body will target your fat cells and use them for energy.
You must develop, or have someone develop a fitness plan. The fitness plan should be tailored to your situation. If you are able to run, you should include sprinting. If you are unable to run, you can base your fitness routine in the pool, or around walking. The point is your fitness routine must be realistically achievable for you.
In order to ensure proper motivation, you should create goals for yourself. These goals must be realistic and attainable. Make sure you set small goals and a big goal. The small goals will allow you to see steady progress and encourage you to keep going. Once you see small progress, you will likely see what is possible from consistency.
The most important factor that will come into play is whether or not you can be consistent. Consistency is the key to achieving any type of fitness or weight loss goals. You have to be consistent with your dietary intake and fitness routines. Otherwise, you will lose motivation and decrease the positive results.
A good way to remain consistent is to find an accountability partner. This will be a partner that is in the same position as you or has similar goals. You can hold each other accountable and use each other for proper motivation.
Losing weight can be extremely difficult. You must have a consistent diet, and fitness plan. This will allow you to achieve the results that you desire. You should achieve your weight loss goals with hard work, realistic goals and a partner to push you along.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7879070

Monday, 3 March 2014

A Few Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Newbies

Losing weight isn't easy. However, it isn't as difficult as some of you might believe. It only takes a few small changes in your life style to begin seeing a noticeable difference. The more positive changes that you make, the more fat that will begin to melt away. Losing weight is about more than just losing a few pounds. Losing weight is also about living healthier. Living a healthier life is essential if you want to grow old without high risk of developing serious illnesses or diseases. Obesity is directly related to several serious conditions involving heart problems and high blood pressure.
A few healthy tips have been gathered below. These are targeted at individuals who are looking to lose the excess pounds and keep them away. None of these tips involve miracle drugs or secret home remedies. They are all simple solutions and changes that anyone can make and begin losing weight immediately. You can practice one or all of the tips, but the more you remember, the more likely you will be to lose that unwanted fat.
Start by making a small change in life that you could begin living with today. For example, cutting all of the sodas and other sugar-filled drinks out of your diet. Considering that your average soft drink has about 175 calories. If you drink two or more sodas each day, then you are taking in over 350 additional calories and that isn't good for weight loss. Cutting sodas out of your diet can average a 1 ilb weight loss per week if you were consistently drinking more than one per day prior. Try adding more water to your diet instead. Water is healthier and also helps burn additional calories as your body heat rises. There are plenty of other small changes that you make today. Maybe cut down on your desserts or replace an unhealthy snack with a delicious apple.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Metabolism is at an all-time low after spending a night without eating. A healthy breakfast will stoke your metabolic rate and get you ready for the day ahead. Prepare a breakfast that contains healthy carbohydrates and a source of protein. Otherwise, your body will continue to store extra calories.
3 square meals a day may not be the healthiest eating routine. Instead, try managing 4-6 smaller meals throughout the course of your day. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner is a great plan. A snack can be something as simple as a fruit or a healthy sandwich. Spreading your intake of energy throughout the day in smaller doses will increase your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories. Burning more calories means losing more weight.
Losing weight is just that simple. Keeping the weight away once it is gone is much harder. Once you make these important changes, you must stick with them if you hope to maintain your new figure. Enjoy living a healthier lifestyle and all of the positive changes that it brings.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7924849

Six Ways To Stay Motivated When Losing Weight

It is very important to be motivated throughout your weight loss journey. It is usually not an easy ride, and it calls for a lot of inspiration and support. There are ways to ensure you stay motivated so you will eat healthy and exercise each day. The following tips will help you keep up your momentum so you can reach your goal weight.
1. Make a focus board and hang it in a prominent place. Since you want to concentrate on losing weight and make it a part of your daily routine, a visual can be a very helpful way to stay on track. Create a poster with motivating quotes and photographs. Pictures of your children, your favorite foods, or even the clothing you plan to buy once you have reached your goal weight are all motivating and helpful.
2. Have an accountability buddy. It can be easy to make excuses for eating bad or not working out, but if you have a friend that you must report to, it's not so simple. Find someone who will inspire you to keep working toward weight loss, even on your bad days. This person should be someone you can confide in, and one that will support you no matter what.
3. Try staying away from people who are negative. There will always be one or two people who would rather point out the negative of a situation rather than the good. These people usually ridicule those trying to lose weight, which can definitely break someone's motivation to be healthy. Avoid these people as much as possible so that your spirit is not dampened by their words and actions.
4. Weigh yourself and take measurements. It is not a good idea to become addicted to the numbers, but seeing them every now and then can really refuel your motivation to continue on your journey. Measurements should be taken once a month, and step on the scale no more than once a week for the results to be effective in motivating you to succeed.
5. Set many small goals, and reward yourself as you achieve them. Weight loss should not just have one long-term goal. In order to make it more obtainable, set multiple small goals that will help you reach your desired end result. Make sure they are reachable, especially if you are giving yourself a time limit in which to reach each one.
6. Limit the bad foods in your diet, rather than eliminating them altogether. It can be difficult to stop anything cold turkey, especially your favorite foods. Instead, restrict yourself to 1-2 splurge meals each week. This is much easier to handle than telling yourself you are not allowed to have certain foods ever again.
The above tips will help you keep your weight loss motivation high so that you can succeed with changing your lifestyle. It is important to stay as positive as you can during your journey, so that you will be able to maintain the healthy choices for the rest of your life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7924855